iball Andi 4.5z smartphone has launched in India . Its price is Rs 7499 . According to the company its MRP is Rs 8299 , but Best Buy Price is Rs 7499 . The Dual - SIM supports .
iball Andi 4.5z has 1.3 GHz Dual - Core Cortex A7 processor and 512 MB RAM . The 4.5 -inch IPS display with 540 x 960 pixels resolution. It runs on android 4.2 Jelly Bean .
8 MP rear with LED flash and VGA front camera . 4 GB and 32 GB of internal Storage micro - SD card can be fitted .
The battery is 1700 mAh . Connectivity options, Wi - Fi , Bluetooth , EDGE , GPRS and 3G connectivity are included . It will be in black and white .
iball Andi 4.5z has 1.3 GHz Dual - Core Cortex A7 processor and 512 MB RAM . The 4.5 -inch IPS display with 540 x 960 pixels resolution. It runs on android 4.2 Jelly Bean .
8 MP rear with LED flash and VGA front camera . 4 GB and 32 GB of internal Storage micro - SD card can be fitted .
iBall Andi 4.5z |
The battery is 1700 mAh . Connectivity options, Wi - Fi , Bluetooth , EDGE , GPRS and 3G connectivity are included . It will be in black and white .
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