Videocon has launched its new products VT 71 tablet in market. The 7-inch display has capacitive. In this touch screen tablet Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) platform and processor of 1.2 GHz. The battery is 3200 AMh. Tablet Market Competition and the growing demand of users, given the Dongl 3G support and music, TV channels, social networking, etc. There is also the facility. Expand the memory up to 32 GB can be used.
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Videocon VT 71 Tablet Price in India |
The smartphone features in the budget should be limited to Variety, the carbon can Czech titanium 1 model. It offers a 4.5-inch IPS display Kyuecdi, Dual SIM, expandable memory up to 32 GB, 5 MP digital camera with front and rear camera with flash, WiFi, all the strong features such as sensors. There are also many apps get downloaded.
Play The Video Game
Are looking for a new video game for mobile, the angry baby option could prove interesting for you. Is certain is that it was developed by Almst treatises of Delhi, who are currently studying in the U.S.. Cute Boy Tobu bitter with some aliens in this game because they have to steal her toys. She takes him back to his kind of Toys, the game revolves around. Avoid Its USP is that it is the violence. You can download it from the Google store.
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