Wednesday, 19 September 2012

LG optimus G price with features

LG optimus G price with features:-

LG Electronics launched new samrtphone in the seriese of LG Optimus smartphone,which has high definition display,quad core processor.

With the launch of LG Optimus living hope that Motorola, HTC and competition from companies like Jedtii help. Next week, the smartphone will be available for sale in Korea. The price of this phone is priced $ 900.

LG Optimus G
LG Optimus G
LG optimus  G  Features: -  

1- The phone has a 4.7 inch screen with IPS + technology has been introduced.

2- The screen is Haidefineshn Rejlyusn too. Chyadatr today Moled for smartphone display technology is being used, but IPS + technology, called amoled is better than ever.

3- The phone's 1.5 GHz snapdragon processor S-4 Pro Apikyu Kwadkor 8064. It also has 2 GB of RAM. The phone also has a high capacity memory support.

4- Improved hardware support is also good with LG Aptims live multimedia.

5- The phone has a 13 megapixel camera.

6- Battery recharge cycle technology also works on the new 800 Chyadatr smartphone while recharging cycle 500 has been introduced.


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